
A note of cynical optimism

Everyone has to start somewhere somehow. I'm no different. I've noticed that there's a lot of negativity about, and a lot of it has to do with money. Let's face it, money makes mean. This comes from losing sight of how it - like anything else - fits into our everyday lives.

Now, I'm purposely not going to say that we need to have the proper perspective on things, for that's one of the issues that is bedeviling us these days: perspective. When reflected upon, we realize that a perspective is simply one way of looking at something, and my experience has shown me that there is never just one way of seeing anything. To me, smart people - whatever "smart" may mean - have the ability to see things differently at different times without thinking they are looking at different things. In other words, they seem to have a more integrated view of what's around them, and how they relate to them.

What has struck me lately is that I don't see a lot of that. I don't know all that many smart people, but I'm always on the lookout for them. And before you think that I'm just another arrogant jerk who lives in a down-the-nose perspective, I'll hasten to add that I don't consider myself all that smart most of the time. It's easy to get caught up in thinking we've got anything figured out. No, I believe that whatever I think, believe, or know is best considered as a working hypothesis, nothing more.

I wish there were more smart people around, but there aren't. I keep hoping there are more than I think there are. That's what I mean by cynical optimism.

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