
Sick and tired

Are you ever just sick and tired of being sick and tired? I am. It's tough living in a mental institution. For those of you who think I'm just ranting around, read a little Goethe. The good man made the same observation 250 years ago. Well, truth be told, I borrowed the observation from him. After all, he was more intelligent and insightful than I am. Of course, he was shrugged off then, just as I will now. At least I can think that sometimes I keep pretty good company.

What is so frustrating is that we can all agree that things could be better, and we can all agree that things should change, but the moment the question arises as to change to what, the arguing starts. In reality, there is only one thing that need change, and that's our thinking.

That is hardest thing that we have to do. Now, I'm not advocating that you simply throw everything overboard that you ever held dear and start anew. That would cause many more problems than it solved. No, no ... I'm fine with small changes, but though small, they should nevertheless be significant. On more than one occasion in this blog, I have advocated just what that change should be, but I'll repeat it again, because it can't be repeated enough: you need to stop thinking about just you and think more about one other person than yourself. When I say more, I mean "more". Not only should you think more about someone else, what you think should be more than what you think of you. In other words, in regard to just one other human being, you make yourself #2. How hard can that be?

Well, truth be told, it will (or would be) the hardest thing that most of you will (would) ever try to do ... and that's precisely why I doubt that it will happen at all. Until we stop thinking that everyone else has something to do to make things better, until we realize that nothing will change if we don't change ourselves, until we take the first step, we won't be going anywhere but downhill. And as we all (or at least those of you who were awake in physics class that day) know, as the journey downhill continues, we'll simply pick up speed.

No, one of the things that I'm simply sick and tired of is having to say the same things over and over and over again. Things that are so obvious it cannot be that we don't see them. I know we see them. But I also know that too many just don't want to see them. If each of you who only choose to see what you wish were the only one affected by your actions, I don't suppose I would care all that much. But you don't. You affect not only those around you, but everyone else on the planet ... and not positively.

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