
How do I feel about ...?

Let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that we all share the view that a better world than the one we have would be desirable. There's lots about life in the industrialized West that is good, and there's no reason why we shouldn't want to keep that, so we're not talking about turning everything on its head. All I'm suggesting is we give some thought to what we want and what "better" might mean.

The only way to do this, I think, is to stop and reflect on what each of us believes. We often think we know, but this really isn't anything that many of us often do, and it can reveal a surprise or two if you're willing to take the time, make the effort, and be serious about finding out a little about yourself. Of course, I wouldn't want to leave you alone with the task, so I'm here to help. Yep, I like to help, so if I can be any assistance at all, I'm more than willing to do my part. I've even given some thought on where to start. Consider the following scenario:

You live in a house that you have paid for. It's yours. A major corporation comes along and decides they like your house so much that they want to use it as an advertising and marketing site. They come in uninvited, tell you they are going to put a big sign up on the roof. They make a call on your phone get the construction company in and erect a massive stand, that includes your house and put this huge, neon-lit thing up on top withe corporate logo and sound system to announce new products and services it offers. Then they tell you, oh by the way, that was a really expensive operation, you'll have to pay for the construction, so they present you with the bill. Even though you're not excited about it, and knowing you certainly can't just pay it, they also tell you that they've already thought about that and since they're such nice people, the have already arranged with your bank to deduct the payment automatically every month from your account. See, they've thought of everything, so you don't have to do a thing, really. You see, it was all for your convenience.

How do you feel about that? Now, do me a favor: don't get all lost in the details. You'd like to sue but you can't find a lawyer to take your case, the police say they talked to the company, but apparently they have a document from you saying you wanted to participate in a marketing action, you don't want to go to jail, and after all, everyone tells you, it's only a couple of hundred a month, learn to live with it. Just give some thought about how you feel about it all.

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