
Don't we live in a decent world?

Actually, no.

Oh, I know that sounds harsh, but when we look around, what we find is that every one of you reading this post has a decent life, by most standards, but what we ignore when are taking time to pat ourselves on our own backs is that the majority of human beings on this planet live in cruel, harsh, destructive, torturous, violent, and deadly environments. If we answer the question from a democratic understanding of majority decides, then, no, we don't live in a decent world.

Before some of you start blaming the victims, just stop and consider: the planet, at the moment, has all we need, is capable of bringing forth all we need for all of us to live a decent life. I'm not talking about fabulous wealth, I'm talking essentials: there is enough food, clothing and shelter to go around. With a little thought, there could be productive things for everyone to do and it would be possible to ensure that every person had access to healthcare and education. We live on a miraculously rich planet, but somehow we've got things all screwed up.

There are, I know, a lot of folks who believe that they are entitled to more than others. I also know that there are a lot of folks who believe that others owe them something, even if they don't deserved it. I also know that most people who think that way wear suits, believe they work hard, and who tell themselves every minute of every day that they are better than the rest of us. They're not, but I know they exist, but people who are ill like that are in need of a physician, not our scorn.

We are constantly reminded that the world is getting smaller every day. If that is in fact true, then we no longer have the luxury of thinking that all those others are so far away, what are their troubles to me?

Since the world is getting ever smaller it can fit into ever smaller places, like our heads, of course, but more importantly, our hearts. We need to change how we think about things. We don't have to go through mind-boggling contortions and brain-numbing philosophical argumentation; we needn't think we have to give up things nor that someone else is just waiting to take it from us. All we need to do, really, is change our perspective, change our view, and change our minds.

I'm a simple person and believe we should start with simple things. Take a step back and realize just how small the world has become and realize that there is more than enough for everyone, and recognize that most of us don't want all that much really. There's more than enough to go around, on that basis, so why don't we start thinking about getting it there.

We could live in a decent world, if we wanted to, but first we have to acknowledge that we're all in this together.

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