
Boom! it's started all over again

Yep, that's just how fast it goes: one minute it's last year, the next minute it's a whole new year. One minute you think you know what you're doing, the next minute, you're confronted with a whole new future.

Human beings are, without a doubt, fantastic creatures. We have more potential than any other species in all of creation. I don't care if you're a hard-core fundamental religionist or a die-hard evolutionist: there never has been and most likely never will be anything like homo sapiens again. Oh sure, we have it within our power to utterly destroy all we have ever known, but we have, at the same time, the potential to give birth to a future that is beyond our wildest imaginations.

Don't get me wrong: I have the greatest respect and honor for all sentient beings, for the incomprehensible power of Life, but when you get right down to it, we -- homo sapiens, human beings -- are the make-or-break factor for the planet. And as far as I'm concerned, our primary shortcoming is simply that we don't recognize and don't understand which role we actually play in the Grand Scheme of Things. It's too bad really. We have such potential. What a waste.

You can say what you want, but there is simply too much distrust, too much apprehension, too much uncertainty, too much ... well ... fear of everything and anything that is not ... well ... me, or us, or whatever or whomever we think we are. And therein lies the real rub, eh Bill?

It's really all very simple. We didn't "get it" last year. Lots of folks think they did. Even more say they did. Most just assume they did. But, they didn't. As long as you're still us-and-theming, disparaging others for trivial reasons (they don't believe in the same G-d, for example), excluding, demeaning, ignoring, denying, avoiding, well, you're just contributing to the problem. You're nowhere near the solution.

And that's why our problems are as big as they are. They're solvable, no doubt about that. They can be addressed reasonably and effective, efficiently, and economically solved, but where's the fun in that? Why should I share when I can have? Why should I pay when others don't? Why should I give when others just take? Why should I work when others are so lazy? Truth be told, the poorest of the poor in this world, share more, pay more, give more, and work harder than any one of us reading this message. But, we were lucky ... lucky as you can get, that we weren't born into "those circumstances". Any way you look at it, we're ALL in this together, but too many of us would rather spend their time and energy picking, choosing, sorting, sifting, and separating instead of ensuring we all have better lives.

So, yeah, it has started all over again. Another year, another failure. We haven't advanced as much as we have simply cast our old ways in concrete, chiseled our misdeeds into stone. Today is, in truth, no different from yesterday other than we have arbitrarily decided that this day is new. So, if it is, if it is to truly be what we proclaim it to be, it is up to us to make things new.

Who has the courage?

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