
Do we want to live in a decent world?

That's really the question. I know lots of you think that "hey, it's a big, bad world out there and there's really nothing I can do about it", but that's nothing more than a lame excuse to only worry about yourself and perhaps those around you. In truth, by taking that attitude, you are really saying "screw the rest of them, I've got to see how I get mine". Pretty sad when it's put that way, isn't it?

Well, we're in pretty sad shape as a species go, so it's really pretty much what we should expect at this point in time, but is that what we want, say, for the coming year, or decade, or century? I, for one, think it's about time that we start living up to our potential ... or, if that's really not possible right away, at least start trying. I'd be satisfied with that at the moment.

Reality, the world around us, well, it all seems so complicated, but as we saw in our discussion of the recent holidays, a very few rules can get you a long, long way. The world, reality, are actually pretty straightforward - for everyday use; it's our societies and economies that are complicated beyond all recognition. We need more than ever to understand the difference between what is complex and what is complicated.

We shouldn't let ourselves be confused by those who have an interest in keeping us that way. Just because someone can't figure things out for him or herself doesn't mean that we need to follow suit. The best advice I got while doing technical documentation turns out to be the some of the best advice I ever got at all: KISS - keep it simple, stupid (or silly, if we want a slightly kinder version ... the point is the same). We needn't over-simplify of course, we only need to make clear to ourselves that whatever we do as humans tends to become more than we really need and want, often because we simply decide too quickly. As the old saying goes, "good things come to those who wait".

So, lesson in simplicity No. 1: do we want to live in a decent world? Well, if the answer is "yes", and I'm willing to bet all of reading this do, then all we need to do is make it decent. See how easy that was? No, really, the very first thing you need, especially something like this, is to want it to be so, to desire it, to make it one's own purpose. I'm not kidding. That's the first step. We need to be aware of this want, this desire, this purpose in every waking minute. When we do, we can always ask ourselves: is what I'm doing what I would want every other human being to do? And then to become of aware of what it is about what you are doing that will make the world a decent place.

Now, admit it: is that really all that complicated? I didn't think so. I'm not asking you to do any more than be awake, be aware, and to be conscious. How hard can it be?

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