
What's the revolution about?

For those of you who have been paying attention since the turn of the year, it should be obvious that the revolution of which I am speaking is a personal, if not private one. We need to start slowly, start small. There's no need to take on too much too fast. The world's a big place and it could take a while to change it. Nevertheless, much of what has been said thus far has been intended on recognizing that there is more to each of us than we may initially suspect. We're not everything, that this for sure, but we are not nothings. We are ourselves and who and how we are affects and has effects on a lot of other people as well. We're not lone, isolated individuals, but the one to whom we are always the closest is simply ourselves.

The purpose of our last little thought experiment, it will be noted, was simply to make you aware that if enough people moved in any given direction -- good, bad, or indifferent -- significant change could occur. We have little to say about how others may or may not move, but we have everything to say about we ourselves will move.

The observant reader will have also noticed that I'm not selling anything, I really have no agenda as I have nothing to gain by you following along or not, I don't have a fancy set of rules to follow, nor am I pushing a particular view of the world. No, I have asked nothing of you, other than you, perhaps, take a bit of step back from yourself and look at yourself again. You can block out friends, family, loved ones, employers, colleagues, co-workers, passing acquaintances, or anybody you happen to pass while walking down the street. I have not asked you to do anything but look at yourself. I don't care what your political leanings are, whether you believe in God and go to church or are an atheist or an adherent of some new-found earth religion. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters ... absolutely nothing matters but you and -- this is the big IF -- whether you're willing to simply take an inventory of your own inner self; that is, of who YOU think YOU are.

Stated most simply: I merely want you to take the opportunity to become just a little more aware of yourself. If you're not willing to take this step, if you are not willing make a serious effort, if you are not willing to go even this far, then I want you to finally sit down, shut up, suck it up (as many of you probably like to tell others), and put up with all the crap life throws at you. If you are not even willing to take a good, hard look at yourself, you aren't willing to contribute to solving anything you think is a problem, for, in the end, you are a good part of the reason we have all these problems to begin with.

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